Our motivation
The marine ecosystem of Zanzibar is in peril: overfishing threatens the livelihoods of coastal communities, climate change damages coral reefs, population growth and the rapidly expanding tourism industry increase pressure on the environment and scarce resources.
Our vision
Coastal inhabitants may improve their livelihoods thanks to income from ecologically compatible aquaculture. This reduces pressure on the local marine ecosystem and protects natural resources.
Our mission
marinecultures.org. supports people in coastal regions of Zanzibar in the development and application of sustainable methods for the use of the sea and implements measures for the protection of marine resources in cooperation with local communities and authorities.
Ecologically sustainable aquaculture initiatives such as sponge farming provide alternative means of income for coastal dwellers heavily dependent on fishing. Marine conservation initiatives such as the establishment of protected areas increase fish stocks. The protection and reforestation of coral reefs strengthen the marine ecosystem.
The local population is involved in the development of the projects from the very beginning, is trained accordingly and is supported in selling their products. Cooperation with local authorities, tourism stakeholders and researchers in the field of aquaculture and marine conservation strengthens the transfer of knowledge and aims at the sustainability of the projects.

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