Transfer of the sponge project to the local community


About 10 years ago we started to grow the first sponges suspended on lines. By the end of this year, the number of sponges grown in Jambiani will probably reach 20,000. 10 women farmers are certified, own their own farm and produce almost exclusively for the local market - hotel and souvenir shops. New apprentices are constantly being added.

Point of Sale Seaweedcenter
Point of Sale Seaweed Center Paje

It is time to transfer the sponge farming project to the community of Jambiani and provide the necessary foundations. We estimate that the transfer will take us three years during which the following areas to be developed in a way that they can be independently managed by the local population:

  • The training of apprentices: We are currently still investing hands-on labor and money in this area. However, one day this will have to work without us. Maybe as part of a vocational school? Or by employing a teacher financed through a local foundation in Zanzibar?
  • The nursery farm: Each new farm requires 1500 to 2000 sponge. Most of these sponges are grown in our nursery farm. Only a fraction can be provided by existing farmers. An independent business model for nursery farming needs to be developed whereby the nursery is financed solely via the sales of seedlings.
  • Setup of a local organization and a physical base: A local coordination office is needed to ensure that new sponge farmers can continue to be trained and new farms can be established in the future. We will help the farmers to set-up and run a cooperative. Even though the independent farmers deliver their sponges to shops independently, the sales must continue to be coordinated centrally. This is the only way to ensure that all farmers have equal rights when selling their products. The office should also ensure quality control so that the Jambiani sponges keep their excellent image.

New Location am RenovierenA new home takes shape

We also need a new physical abode. A place where the farmers can meet and prepare for work. We were lucky and found something!

We are looking for support in the sense of a social responsibility initiative for 1-3 years to fund a successful transfer to the community. Interested in supporting us? Or do you know someone?

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